Our school provides a much-needed affordable preschool option in a high cost of living area. In order to offer our students enriching opportunities and quality supplies, fundraising plays a critical role for the Co-op. 

There are many ways to support the Catonsville Cooperative Preschool!


Fundraising Events

Help support the Co-op by attending fundraiser events at local restaurants and retailers. 

Check out our full calendar of events and follow our social media pages for upcoming fundraising events.  

Follow us!


Spring Online Auction

By far, our biggest fundraising initiative of the year! Leading up to our March auction, our Fundraising Team is working hard to connect with community members, businesses, organizations, and venues to source donations for our Online Auction, whether it be an item, themed basket, gift card, or passes to an experience. Interested donors can reach out to, and community members far and wide can share and bid at

SNEAK PEAK! Experiences
Swag photo (1)

Co-op Gear

Represent the Co-op by purchasing our t-shirts, sweatshirts, or tote bags! Great to have for field trips, or just to wear around town! These items are available for purchase at many of our events or you can email Current families can put in an order through the Jovial Family Portal. 

Ongoing Fundraisers

Support the Co-op when you search for our organization and purchase through:

MabelsLabels – The original waterproof name labels for kids gear and supplies. 

WhataCrock – Home-cooked meals designed specifically for the slow cooker. No prep needed!

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what a crock

Direct Donations

As a 501(c)(3), all donations are tax deductible. All proceeds go toward educational materials and costs for our two-, three-, and four-year-old preschool programs.